The story of Papp

Discover our story. A dynamic narrative that traces our humble beginnings, groundbreaking innovations, and unwavering commitment to revolutionize the way the world approaches parking solutions.

August 2019

Idea Genesis

Martin, Alfred, and Tan conceive a parking knowledge sharing platform in response to fines in Aarhus.

January 2020

Prototype and Launch

Students create the first app prototype, leading to the company's establishment later that year.

February 2021

Data Integration and AI

Aarhus collaboration integrates live data; AI-driven occupancy forecasting initiated with grants and GTC Accelerate program.

May 2022

IoT Exploration and Investment

Discussions on IoT data gathering's potential began; investment secured; IoT testing initiated with Aarhus municipality.

March 2023

Insights Tool Debut

Launch of Papp Insights tool collecting data from parking houses, connected IoT sensors and data warehouses.


Focused on intelligent mobility, Papp's mission is to make urban traffic smarter and sustainable, accommodating increasing urbanisation and fostering a collaborative future.

Who are we?

Discover the minds shaping the future of parking technology.

Tan Minh Nguyen Tran


Martin Holk Rasmussen

Data Specialist

Alfred Röttger Rydahl

Software Developer

Martine Winther

Development consultant

Lilian Bittar

Full-stack Developer

Maxim Zavidei

Backend Software Engineer

Radim Theiner

Communications  manager

Join us!

Open application(m/f/d)
Job Description

Ready to be a part of something bigger? At Papp, we're always on the lookout for passionate, forward-thinking individuals who are as excited about urban mobility as we are.

Whether you're a student looking for an internship, a professional considering a career change, or an expert seeking new challenges, we want to hear from you. Your unique skills and perspective could be the missing piece in our quest to redefine urban mobility.

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